(NY-86) Avalanche Sharks: Les Dents De La Neige Mkv Dubbed 8K VF

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Rob Sharp: I might be late to the racing tonight due to unforseen circumstances :? Feb 13, 2015 17:08:51 GMT
Rob Sharp: I have updated the server with some cars and a track but don't have time to do modded tracks atm as I'm drowning in coursework. Hopefully see you guys on Friday. Feb 9, 2015 20:00:12 GMT
Rob Sharp: The mumble server is down. I'll fix it later Feb 1, 2015 10:39:49 GMT
Rob Sharp: fc2 mod enabled on the server Jan 31, 2015 21:07:51 GMT
Rob Sharp: I'm on the server now if anyone fancies a few laps and fc2 cars are now enabled Jan 31, 2015 20:20:36 GMT
Rob Sharp: Server now has gt2 and gt3 cars enabled Jan 31, 2015 9:49:48 GMT
racert46: Sorry but forgot to check it as i was running late yesterday and went straight to racing. Will try tonight. Jan 23, 2015 8:54:58 GMT
racert46: Ill check it out tonight quickly, as i also have a league race tonight. URD GT's at Barbagallo 2x 32 laps. :D Jan 22, 2015 14:36:42 GMT
Rob Sharp: Server is working but somethign is limiting it to 3 cars, I'll try and sort it asap but I'm done for tonight atleast Jan 21, 2015 20:41:07 GMT
racert46: Good luck! :) Jan 21, 2015 16:39:19 GMT
Rob Sharp: but all the big problems that were preventing me from getting to the cars and tracks settings should be fixed... almost Jan 20, 2015 20:55:59 GMT
Rob Sharp: not accidently hitting enter halfway through a shout Jan 20, 2015 20:55:07 GMT
Rob Sharp: SERVER UPDATE:Just need to work out the cars. tracks and Jan 20, 2015 20:54:44 GMT
Rob Sharp: Problems with the server, could take a while :/ Jan 19, 2015 19:09:58 GMT
Rob Sharp: Server will be up soon Jan 18, 2015 15:37:10 GMT
Rob Sharp: Mocks, finished :D Jan 15, 2015 15:33:50 GMT
Rob Sharp: Morning, 1 exam left today. Also could all new people leave a short bit about themselves in the 'Introduce Yourself' section under the general board. Doesn't have to be that much but at the bare minimum, your first name and your hobbies. Jan 15, 2015 8:52:03 GMT
racert46: Goodmoring all! :) Jan 15, 2015 7:50:52 GMT
eseaone: Welcome panky Great to have a top modder here. Hope you have a bit of spare time to burn some rubber Jan 14, 2015 22:02:49 GMT
Rob Sharp: Yeah, just has to join the website now! Jan 13, 2015 11:21:54 GMT
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